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研究方向:儿童青少年心理咨询、心理咨询有效性研究(以儿童为中心的游戏疗法、人际关系疗法、 内在家庭系统疗法等)、心理咨询师人才培养、中小学心理健康服务体系搭建



20128-20178月: 美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校,学校心理学博士;

2012 8-20155月: 美国印第安纳大学伯明顿分校, 教育心理学硕士;



2023年9月-至今:             北京师范大学心理学部,副教授

2020年8月-2023年8月: 北京师范大学心理学部,讲师

2018年8月-2020年8月: 北京师范大学心理学部师资博士后,讲师

2017年9月-2018年8月: 北京师范大学心理学部心理健康服务中心专职督导师


学术期刊发表 (一作/通讯作者)

Chen, S*., Zhang, Y., Qu, D., He, J., Yuan, Q., Wang,Y., Bi, W., Chen, P., Wu, F., & Chen, R*. (2023). An Online Solution Focused Brief Therapy for Adolescent Anxiety during the COVID-19 Outbreak: A randomized controlled trial. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 86, 103660

Zhao, H., Li, X., Chen, S*., & Li, F. (2022). Creating a brief form of the Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory in the Chinese cultural context using multilevel factor analyses. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000654

Zhao,H., Li, X., & Chen.S*. (2022). Development of a brief therapist presence inventory in China using multilevel factor analysis and item response theory, Psychotherapy Research,DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2022.2143301

Chen, S*., Cheng, Z. & Wu, J. (2020). Risk factors for adolescents’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison between Wuhan and other urban areas in China. Global Health, 16, 96 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-020-00627-7

Chen,S*., Li F*., Lin, C., Han, Y., Nie, X., Portnoy, R.N., & Qiao, Z. (2020). Challenges and Recommendations for Mental Health Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Experience of China's First University-based Mental Health Team. Globalization and Health. 1659. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-020-00591-2

Chen,S*. (2020).  An online solution focused brief therapy foradolescent anxiety during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)pandemic: a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlledtrial. Trials 21, 402. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-020-04355-6

Chen, S*. (2019). Chinese Adolescents' Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Social Support, And Resilience—The Impact of School Type Selection. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01299.

学术期刊发表 (参与)

Li, X., Li, F., Lin, C., Chen, S., & Han, Y. (2021). The “roller coaster ride”: A longitudinal investigation of the dynamic relationship between Chinese counseling trainees’ self-efficacy and their clients’ outcome and the mediating effects of working alliance and session evaluation. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000595

Li,X., Wu, M., Li,F., Chen,S., & Yuge Han (2021): Exploring Therapist Self-Efficacy Change Profiles Using Latent Growth Curve Analysis, Psychotherapy Research, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2021.2001070

Wang, L., Vaughan, E. L., Chen, S., & Gilman, L. (2021). Infusing multicultural and social justice counseling competencies: Reflection on establishing Mandarin counseling services. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43(2), 95-111. https://doi.org/10.17744/mehc.43.2.01

Wang, Y.,Hu, Z., Peng, K. Rechdan, J., Yang. Y., Wu. L., Xin, Y., Lin, J., Duan, Z., Zhu, X., Feng, Y., Chen, S., Ou, J., Chen, R. (2020). Mapping out a spectrum of the Chinese public’s discrimination toward the LGBT community:results from a national survey. BMC Public Health, 20, 669.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08834-y

Sung, H., & Chen, S. (2019). Promoting emotional intellignece: From theory to practice. International Journal for School-Based Family Counseling, 11, 1-18. https://www.schoolbasedfamilycounseling.com/articles-by-volume

Wong, Y. J., Horn, A. J., & Chen, S. (2013). Perceived masculinity: The potential influence of race, racial essentialist beliefs, and stereotypes. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 14, 452-464.




  • 为北师大临床与咨询方向研究生及CARE长程培训项目学员提供个体和团体督导;已提供个体督导和团体督导超过3000小时。持续接受总督导师的督导,提升督导能力。

  • 北京师范大学心理学部心理健康服务中心儿童青少年团队负责人。

  • 建立北京市中小学心理健康服务实践基地,培养能提供综合性心理测评能力的心理测评师。

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  • 为北京市西城区、海淀区、通州区等多所学校提供危机干预服务及工作指导


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中国心理学会注册督导师 (D-21-015)

印第安纳州执照学校心理学家 (原执照号: 10193854)

美国认证心理咨询师 (National Certified Counselor; License No: 303254)




