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![]() 高梦宇副教授 E-mail: m.gao@bnu.edu.cn 研究方向: 情绪调节困难的早期发展基础 Early Developmental Foundations of Emotion Dysregulation 母婴互动的神经行为规律 Neurobehavioral Underpinnings of Mother-Infant Interactions 心理病理的代际传递 Intergenerational Transmission of Psychopathology 孕期压力和适应 Stress and Adaptations during Pregnancy 数字精神健康及人工智能的应用 Digital Mental Health and Application of AI To: 合作者们 我目前的研究兴趣在于1)理解初为人父母者在转变父母角色过程中的变化和适应,2)识别婴幼儿情绪问题的早期风险和保护因素,3)利用AI数字化赋能女性心理健康。欢迎研究院、医院、儿童保健中心、社区等机构联系课题组,进行科研和临床转化的合作。 To: 学生们 欢迎本科生、研究生、科研助理加入我们SEED实验室(Stress, Emotion, & Early Development),在其中你将体验和参与包括文献研读、实验设计、被试招募、数据处理、文献写作在内的诸多科研实践,我也非常期待能和大家的相处中实践我指导学生的思想(mentoring philosophy)—1. 导师是学生学术/职业生涯的工具。我能为你提供理论和技术等支持性指导,但你(和你的观点)才是自己科研道路的真正引领者。2. 及时、建设性的反馈会是学生走上坡路的能量。我会为你的模型、论文、演讲提供详细、快速(1—3天)的反馈,希望能为你下一次的表现助力。3. 双向的反馈机制促进教学相长。我将做积极的聆听者,努力建立畅通的双向沟通渠道,因为有你,我才是一名老师。 个人履历 学习经历2014.08 – 2019.08 美国圣母大学, 发展心理学博士 (辅修量化心理学) 2010.09 – 2014.06 北京师范大学, 心理学学士 工作经历2024.8 – 至今 北京师范大学,心理学部 副教授 2022.3 – 至今 北京师范大学,心理学院 讲师 2019.08 – 2021.11 美国犹他大学,心理学系 博士后
科学研究 期刊论文
研究领域1: 早期经历(Early Experience)对儿童发展的危机与保护 1. Speck, B., Isenhour, J., Gao, M. M., Conradt, E., Crowell, S. E., & Raby, K. L. (2023). Pregnant Women’s Autonomic Responses to an Infant Cry Predict Young Infants’ Behavioral Avoidance During the Still-Face Paradigm. Developmental Psychology, 59(12), 2237–2247. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001632 2. Gao, M. M., Kaliush, P. R., Brown, M.A., Shakiba, N., Raby, K. L., Crowell, S. E., & Conradt, E. (2022). Unique contributions of maternal prenatal and postnatal emotion dysregulation on infant respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-022-00914-4 3. Gao, M. M.†, Saenz, C.†, Neff, D., Santana, M.L., Amici, J., Butner, J., Raby, K. L., Crowell, S.E., & Conradt, E. (2021). Bringing the laboratory into the home: A Protocol for remote physiological and behavioral data collection in pregnant women with emotion dysregulation and their Infants. Journal of Health Psychology.https://doi.org/10.1177/13591053211064984 4. Gao, M. M., Ostlund, B., Brown, M., Kaliush, P., Terrell, S., Vlisides-Henry, R., Raby, L., Crowell, S.E., & Conradt, E. (2021). Prenatal maternal transdiagnostic, RDoC-informed, predictors of newborn neurobehavior: Differences by sex. Development and Psychopathology, 33, 1554-1565.http://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579420002266 5. Kaliush, P., Gao, M.M., Vlisides-Henry, R., Thmoas, L.R, Buter, J., Conradt, E., & Crowell, S.E. (2021). Perinatal foundations of personality pathology from a dynamical systems perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology, 37, 121-128.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2020.12.003 6. Vlisides-Henry, R. D., Deboeck, P. R., Grill-Velasquez, W., Mackey, S., Ramadurai, D. K. A., Urry, J. O., Neff, D., Terrell, S., Gao, M., Thomas, L., Conradt, E., & Crowell, S. E. (2021). Behavioral and physiological stress responses: Within-person concordance during pregnancy. Biological Psychology, 159, 108027.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108027 7. Gao, M. M., Brown, M. A., Neff, D., Crowell, S. E., & Conradt, E. (2021). Prenatal paternal stress predicts infant parasympathetic outcomes above and beyond prenatal maternal stress. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1080/02646838.2021.1941822 8. Shakiba, N., Gao, M. M., Conradt, E., Terrell, S., & Lester, B. M. (in press). Parent-child relationship quality and adolescent health: Testing the differential susceptibility hypothesis in African American youths with prenatal substance exposure. Child Development.https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13667 † indicates co-first author
研究领域2: 情绪调节困难(emotion dysregulation)的神经、行为、生理基础 1. Brown, M. A., Gao, M. M., Isenhour, J., Shakiba, N., Crowell, S. E., Raby, K. L., & Conradt, E. (2024). Understanding emotion dysregulation from infancy to toddlerhood with a multilevel perspective: The buffering effect of maternal sensitivity. Development and Psychopathology, 1-14. 2. Xu, J., Wang, H., Morrow, K. E., Xu, Y., Gao, M. M., Hu, Y., Suveg, C., & Han, Z. R. (2024). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) dynamics matter for children's emotion regulation: RSA inertia and instability within a stress task. Child Development, 95(1), 70–81. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13976 3. Gao, M. M., Vlisides-Henry, R., Kaliush, P., Thomas, L., Butner, J., Raby, K. L., Conradt, E., & Crowell, S.E. (2023). Dynamics of mother-infant parasympathetic regulation during face-to-face interaction: The role of maternal emotion dysregulation. Psychophysiology, 60(6), e1428. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14248 4. Vlisides-Henry, R. D., Gao, M., Thomas, L., Kaliush, P. R., Conradt, E., & Crowell, S. E. (in press). Digital phenotyping of emotion dysregulation across lifespan transitions to better understand psychopathology risk. Frontiers in Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.618442 5. Gao, M. M., de Silva, A., Cummings, E. M., Davies, P. T. (2019). Interrelatedness between children's physiological and psychological responses to interparental conflict: A moderating role of harsh parenting. Social Development, 28, 1016-1036.https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12376 6. Han, Z. R., Gao, M. M., Yan, J., Hu, X., Zhou, W., & Li, X. (2019). Correlates of parent-child physiological synchrony and emotional parenting: Differential associations in varying interactive contexts. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, 1116-1123. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-01337-4 7. Li, J., Han, Z. R., Gao, M. M., Sun, X., & Ahemaitijiang, N. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Chinese Version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS): Factor structure, reliability, and validity. Psychological Assessment, 30(5), e1-e9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas0000582 8. Gao, M. M., Han, Z. R. (2016). Family Expressiveness mediates the relation between cumulative family risks and children’s emotion regulation in a Chinese sample. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(5), 1570-1580. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10826-015-0335-z 9. Han, Z. R., Qian, J., Gao, M. M., Dong, J. (2015). Emotion socialization mechanisms linking Chinese fathers’, mothers’, and children’s emotion regulation: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(12), 3570-3579. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10826-015-0158-y ‡ indicates co-senior author
研究领域3: 家庭环境和儿童发展结果 1. Zhou, A.M., Gao, M.M., Ostlund, B., Maylott, S.E., Molina, N.C., Bruce, M., Raby, K.L., Conradt, E., & Crowell, S.E. (in press). From prenatal maternal anxiety and physiology to toddler internalizing problems: The role of infant negative affectivity. Development & Psychopathology. 2. Liu, S., Xu, J., Cao, H., An, Y., Li, Y., Li, Z., Gao, M.M. ‡, & Han, Z. R. ‡ (2024). Changes in emotion regulation strategies during the pandemic: prospective pathways to adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 3. Liu, S., Han, Z. R., Xu, J., Wang, Q., Gao, M. M., Weng, X., Qin, S., & Rubin. K. H. (2024). Parenting links to parent–child interbrain synchrony: A real-time fNIRS hyperscanning study. Cerebral Cortex. https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhad533 4. Jin H*, Wang Q*, Yang Y-F*, Zhang H. *, Gao M. M.,* et al. The Chinese Open Science Network (COSN): Building an Open Science Community from Scratch. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 2023;6(1). http://doi.org/10.1177/25152459221144986 5. Donato, S., Barni, D., Ferrais, A., Iafrate, R., de Silva, A., Gao, M. M., Miller-Graff, L., & Cummings, E. M. (2022). Adolescents’ victimization and internalizing problems: The protective role of parental sense of coherence. Journal of Child and Family Studies. http://doi.orrg/10.1007/s10826-022-02264-7 6. Asanjarani, F., Gao, M. M., de Silva, A., & Cummings, E. M. (2022). Examining the link between interparental conflict and adolescents’ adjustment in Iranian divorced and intact families. Journal of Child and Family Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-02163-3 7. Gao, M. M., Papp, L.M., & Cummings, E. M. (2021). Typologies of daily relationship quality in marital and parent–child subsystems: Implications for child adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1037/fam0000929 8. de Silva, A., Gao, M. M., Barni, D., Donato, S., Miller-Graff, L., & Cummings, E. M. (2020). Interparental conflict on Italian adolescent adjustment: The role of insecurity within the family. Journal of Family Issues, 42, 671-692. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X20927749 9. Hu, X., Han, Z. R., Bai, L., & Gao, M. M. (2019). The mediating role of parenting stress in the relations between parental emotion regulation and parenting behaviors in Chinese families of children with autism spectrum disorders: A dyadic analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 3983-3998. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-04103-z 10. Gao, M. M. & Cummings, E. M. (2019). Understanding parent–child relationship as a developmental process: fluctuations across days and changes over years. Developmental Psychology, 55, 1046-1058.http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dev0000680 11. Gao, M. M., Du, H., Davies, P. T., Cummings, E. M. (2019). Marital conflict behaviors and parenting: Dyadic links over time. Family Relations, 68, 135-149. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fare.12322 ‡ indicates co-senior author
科研项目1. 情绪失调的代际传递:一项探究早期发展风险指标和神经生理机制的研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(项目批准号:32300892),2024.01-2026.12,主持 2. 初为人父母者在妊娠全程中的压力和适应:探其影响新生儿神经行为的敏感期,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,2022.10-2024.09,主持 3. 社会转型期中国家庭教养的新理念对青少年心理健康的影响,国家社会科学基金重点项目(项目批准号:23ASH014),2024.01-2026.12,参与 4. 大学生自杀危机的精准识别与循证干预项目,唐仲英基金会(项目批准号:310499101),2022.10-2023.9,子课题主持人 5. 数字化赋能的一体化孕产妇心理健康服务模式构建,“生机计划2023”,国家卫生健康委规划发展与信息化司,2024.3-2025.10,子课题主持人 6. Baby Affect and Behavior (BABY) Study, National Institute of Mental Health (R01, PI: Dr. Elisabeth Conradt and Dr. Sheila Crowell), 2019-2021, 参与 7. Supporting Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Communication Project, National Institute of Child Health and Development (R01, PI: Dr. E. Mark Cummings), 2017 – 2019, 参与
教学工作 2022-至今,发展心理学,本科生 2023-至今,专业英语(临床与咨询),研究生 2024-至今,教育心理学,慕课 2017-2018,定量研究方法,研究生(in English) 2016-2018,家庭研究研讨会,本科生(Guest Lecturer, in English) 2015-2017,实验心理学-统计,本科生(Lab instructor, in English)
社会工作 期刊主编 2023—至今,Infant and Child Development, Associate Editor 审稿人 Developmental Psychology, Developmental Psychobiology, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Child and Family Studies, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Health Psychology, Psychoneuroendocrinology
学术会员Society for Research in Child Development 儿童发展研究学会 International Congress of Infant Studies 国际婴儿研究代表大会 International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 国际行为发展研究学会
其他 荣誉奖励 北京师范大学优秀辅导员 2023 Developmental Research Award from Department of Psychology, Notre Dame 2019 Notebaert Professional Development Award 2018, 2019 Society of Research Child Development (SRCD) Student Travel Award 2017, 2019 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant from, University of Notre Dame 2018 Association for Psychological Science (APS) Student Caucus Travel Assistance 2018 Graduate Student Union Conference Presentation Grant 2016-2018 Departmental Travel Award 2014-2019
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