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2019.09 ~ 至今         北京师范大学心理学部   教授

2011.09 ~ 2019.08       北京师范大学心理学院   副教授

2006.09 ~ 2011.08       北京师范大学心理学院   讲师


2003.09 ~ 2006.07 北京师范大学心理学院(舒华教授) 心理学  博士

2000.09 ~ 2003.07 北京师范大学心理学院(伍新春教授) 发展与教育心理学 硕士

1996.09 ~ 2000.07 北京师范大学心理系  基础心理学 学士


2014.08 ~ 2015.08 美国Vanderbilt大学Peabody学院(Douglas Fuchs教授)

2014.02 ~ 2014.07 芬兰Jyväskylä大学Agora研究中心(Ulla Richardson教授

2013.04 ~ 2013.05 美国西肯塔基大学教育与行为科学学院(张洁助理教授)

2012.10 ~ 2012.11 芬兰Jyväskylä大学Agora研究中心(Ulla Richardson教授

2007.09 ~ 2007.12 芬兰Jyväskylä大学心理系(Heikki Lyytinen教授)

2002.10 ~ 2003.01 美国Illinois大学教育心理学院(Richard C. Anderson教授)




1.       (2021-2023)横向合作课题:建构青少年儿童分级听读标准项目(喜马拉雅)

2.       (2017-2020)教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:基于文本可读性分析与学生阅读能力测评的汉语阶梯阅读研究(17YJA190009)

3.       (2017-2019)北京市自然科学基金面上项目:汉语儿童阅读过程中的自我教学机制及其影响因素(5172020)

4.       (2016-2017)教育部在线教育研究中心项目:基于互联网的落后儿童阅读辅导模式研究(2016YB113)

5.       (2014-2017)北京师范大学心理学院教师科研项目:汉语阅读障碍儿童的在线测评和自适应训练(BNUPSY2014007)

6.       (2014-2014)KONE Centennial Foundation: Pinyin GraphoGame in the Mobile Library

7.       (2010-2013)教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:从矫治走向预防:阅读障碍的早前鉴别与干预(10YJCXLX020)

8.       (2010-2012)北京师范大学自主科研基金资助项目:儿童阅读发展轨迹及其亚类型

9.       (2011-2012)横向合作课题:汉语儿童语素意识的萌芽与发展(QX2011-010)

10.    (2010-2011)中美横向合作课题:Morphological Awareness and Learning Compound Words in Chinese and English

11.    (2007-2008)北京师范大学教学建设与改革项目:知觉与模式识别

12.    (2006-2009)教育部人文社会科学研究专项项目:整合分享阅读与词素意识教学加速培养儿童自主阅读能力(06JDXLX006)

13.    (2006-2009)中加横向合作课题:Development of strategies in learning to read Chinese

14.    (2006-2008)北京师范大学青年科学基金:汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的学习能力缺陷

15.    (2005-2006)顾明远教育研究发展基金:汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的学习能力缺陷

16.    (2002-2003)北京师范大学和香港中文大学教育及社会科学应用研究:分享阅读有效性及其影响因素研究


1.       (2018-2019)香港Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR)基金项目:Improving children's Chinese literacy performance by developing an educational computer game for training morphological skills. (2018-04)

2.       (2017-2020)加拿大Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)基金项目:The international bilingual education project. (890-2017-0056),中方负责人

3.       (2015-2018)国家社会科学基金重大项目:儿童阅读障碍的认知机制及其干预研究(14ZDB157),子课题负责人。

4.       (2015-2017)香港GRF基金Phonological awareness and reading development in Chinese children: The approach of computer-assisted GraphoGame intervention. (18404014)

5.       (2015-2017)香港GRF基金Unfolding the role of morphological awareness in word learning of Chinese children Hong Kong Research Grant Council General Research Fund (18404114)

6.       (2013-2017)欧盟居里夫人基金研究者国际交流项目:Early identification and prevention of reading problems in alphabetic and semanto-phonetic writing environments (PIRSES-GA- 2013-612663),中方负责人。

7.       (2012-2014)教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目:学生语言能力发展研究(11JZD041),子课题负责人。

8.       (2011-2013)教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划:汉语儿童语素意识的结构及其在阅读发展中的作用——来自追踪和比较的证据(NCET-10-0246)

9.       (2011-2013)北京师范大学学科基础课程建设项目:心理学研究方法(多因素实验设计)(10-02-33)

10.    (2009-2011)国家自然科学基金项目:汉语发展性阅读障碍的认知缺陷及其感知和遗传生理基础研究(30870758)

11.    (2009-2011)教育部基础教育质量监测中心委托课题:义务教育阶段学生语文学习质量监测工具研制

12.    (2007-2008)科技部科技基础性工作专项中国儿童青少年心理发育特征调查子课题:小学生阅读成就测验的编制

13.    (2006-2010)北京奕阳教育研究院委托课题:分享阅读的理论深化与实践推进的心理学研究

14.    (2005-2007)国家自然科学基金项目:汉语儿童阅读发展与阅读障碍的早期预测(30470574)

15.    (2001-2005)美国Spencer基金课题:Learning to read Chinese:Cultivating children's strategic reading

16.    (1999-2001)美国Spencer基金课题:Facets of meta-linguistic awareness that enable the acquisition of Chinese characters and words



1.       李虹、刘苗苗、李燕. 简体汉语文本可读性的分级评估建模方法,2021年3月26日公告,专利号ZL 2019 1 0206775.7,证书号 第4322234号

2.       舒华、李虹、张玉平、刘红云、王晓怡. 儿童语言能力发展评估建模方法,2017年1月4日公告,专利号ZL 2013 1 0503291.1,证书号 第2328715号

3.       舒华、刘红云、李虹、张玉平、王晓怡. 追踪儿童语言能力发展的方法,2017年5月24日公告,专利号ZL 2013 1 0503455.0,证书号 第2495251号


1.       Liu, M., Li, Y, Su, Y., Li, H.* (Accepted) Text complexity of Chinese elementary school textbooks: Analysis of text linguistic features using machine learning algorithms. Scientific Studies of Reading.

2.       Su, Y., Chen, X., Michelle, R., Y., H., Gan, Y., Zhang, J., Li, H.* (2023 online) Using dynamic assessment to measure morpheme identification and predict character reading among Chinese children. Reading Research Quarterly

3.       Gan, Y., Zhang, J., Kharabi-Yamato, L, Su, Y., Zhang J., Jiang, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H.* (2023). The unique predictive value of dynamic assessment of character decoding in reading development of Chinese children from grades 1 to 2. Scientific Studies of Reading, 27(3), 215-231.

4.       Su, Y., Li, Y., & Li, H.*(2023) Familiarity ratings for 24,325 simplified Chinese words. Behavior Research Methods, 55(3), 1496-1509.

5.       Liu, Y., Zhang, J., & Li, H.* (2023). Use of partial information to learn to read Chinese characters in nonnative Chinese learners. Language Teaching Research, 27 (1),168-180.

6.      Nguyen, T.P., Li, H., Feng, J., & Wu, X.* (2022 online). Component awareness facilitates Chinese character recognition in non-native Chinese speakers: Analysis of the multiple mediation effect. Reading and Writing.

7.       Su, Y., Li, Y., & Li, H.*(2022 online) Imageability ratings for 10,426 Chinese two-character words and their contributions to lexical processing. Current Psychology

8.       Zhang, H., Zhang, J. Han, C., Zhou, X., Su, Y., & Li, H.* (2022) Integrating morphology and contextual cues in lexical inferencing of Chinese fourth graders. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43, 805-827.

9.       Han, B., Koh, P. W., Zhang, S., Joshi, M., & Li, H.* (2022 online). The relative contributions of facets of morphological awareness to vocabulary development in Chinese: A longitudinal study in grades one to three. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69

10.    Li, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H.*, Liu, X. (2022). The use of phonological and semantic strategies in written word learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55(6), 482-498.

11.    Koh, P.W., Wagner, R., Quinn, J., Yi, H., Li, M., & Li, H.* (2022). Developmental relations between facets of morphological awareness in Chinese: A latent change score modeling study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43, 435-462. DOI:10.1017/S0142716421000606

12.    Li, Y., Xiao, L., Li, H.*(2022). Self-teaching in Chinese: the roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Journal of Research in Reading, 45(1), 20-42.

13.    Pan, J., Li, H., & Lin, D., (2022) The reciprocal relationship between vocabulary knowledge and word reading in Chinese primary-school children, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 60, 59-66.

14.    Zhang, J., Li, H.*, & Liu, Y. (2021). The influence of orthography on oral vocabulary acquisition in learners of Chinese as second language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43, 1157-1172. DOI:10.1017/S0272263121000139

15.    Li, Y., Li, H.*, Wang, M. (2020 online). Orthographic learning via Self-teaching in Chinese: the roles of phonological recoding, context, phonetic and semantic radicals. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

16.    Sun, J., Zhang, J., Li, H.* (2020 online). Teacher learning in scaffolding children’s collaborative dialogue in a Chinese elementary school. ECNU Review of Education

17.    Li, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H.*, Liu, X. (2021). Compensation for poor character learning: Intact visual and phonetic strategies among Chinese children with dyslexia. Annals of dyslexia, 71, 127-149.

18.    Lyytinen, H., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Li, H., Pugh, K., & Richardson, U. (2021). Supporting acquisition of spelling skills in different orthographies using an empirically validated digital learning environment. Front. Psychol. 12: 566220. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.566220

19.    Yan, M., Li, Y., Sun, X., Zhou, X., Hui, Y., Li, H.* (2021). The roles of decoding and vocabulary in Chinese reading development: Evidence from a 3-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(1), 300-314. DOI:10.1111/ bjep.12365

20.    Pan, J., Liu M., Li, H.*, Yan, M.* (2021). Chinese children benefit from alternating-color words in sentence reading. Reading and writing, 34(2), 355-369. DOI 10.1007/s11145-020-10067-9.

21.    Li, Y., Chen, X., Li, H.*, Sheng, X., Chen, L., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H. (2020). A computer-based Pinyin intervention for disadvantaged children in China: Effects on Pinyin skills, phonological awareness, and character reading. Dyslexia, 26(4), 377-393. DOI: 10.1002/dys .1654

22.    Yan, M., Li, H.(共同一作), Su, Y., Cao, Y., & Pan J.* (2020). The perceptual span and individual differences among Chinese children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24(6), 520-530. DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2020.1713789

23.    Li, Y., Li, H.*, Wang, M. (2020). The roles of phonological recoding, semantic radicals and writing practice in orthographic learning in Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24(3), 252-263. DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2019.1663199

24.    Zhang, J., Li, H.*, Liu, Y., & Chen, Y. (2020). Orthographic facilitation in oral vocabulary learning: effects of language backgrounds and orthographic type. Reading and Writing, 33,187-206. DOI:10.1007/s11145-019-09955-6.

25.    Lin, D., Mo, J., Liu, Y., & Li, H.* (2019). Developmental changes in the relationship between character reading ability and orthographic awareness in Chinese. Front. Psychol. 10:2397. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02397.

26.    Liu, Y., Sun, H., Lin, D., Li, H., Yeung, S., Wong, T. (2018). The unique role of executive function skills in predicting Hong Kong kindergarteners’ reading comprehension. British Journal of Educational Psycholog y, 88, 628-644.

27.    Nguyen, T., Zhang, J., Li, H., Wu, X., & Cheng, Y. (2017). Teaching semantic radicals facilitates inferring new character meaning in sentence reading for nonnative Chinese speakers. Front. Psychol. 8:1846. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01846.

28.    Liu, D., Li, H., Wong, K. S. R. (2017) The anatomy of the role of morphological awareness in Chinese character learning: The mediation of vocabulary and semantic radical knowledge and the moderation of morpheme family size. Scientific Studies of Reading, 21(3), 210-224.

29.    Liu, Y., Georgiou, G. K., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Liu, H., Song, Sh., Kang, C., Shi, B., Liang, W., Pan, J., & Shu, H. (2017). Contribution of cognitive and linguistic skills to word-reading accuracy and fluency in Chinese. International Journal of Educational Research, 82,75-90.

30.    Li, H.*, Dronjic, V., Chen, X., Li, Y., Cheng, Y., & Wu, X.* (2017). Morphological awareness as a function of semantics, phonology, and orthography and as a predictor of reading comprehension in Chinese. Journal of Child Language, 44(5), 1218-1427.

31.    Su, M., Peyre, H., Song, S., McBride, C., Tardif e, T., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Liang, W., Zhang, Z., Ramus, F., Shu, H. (2017). The influence of early linguistic skills and family factors on literacy acquisition in Chinese children: Follow-up from age 3 to age 11. Learning and Instruction. 49(1):54-63.

32.    Cheng, Y., Zhang, J., Li, H., Wu, X., Liu, H., Dong, Q., Li, L., Nguyen, T. P., Zheng, M., Zhao, Y., & Sun, P. (2017). Growth of compounding awareness predicts reading comprehension in Chinese children: A longitudinal study from Grade 1 to Grade 2. Reading Research Quarterly, 52(1), 91104.DOI:10.1002/rrq.155

33.    Cheng, Y., Zhang, J., Wu, X.*, Liu, H. & Li, H. (2016). Cross-Lagged relationships between morphological awareness and reading comprehension among Chinese children. Front. Psychol. 7:1379.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01379

34.    Li, H., Zhang, J.*, Ehri, L. C., Chen, Y., Ruan, X., & Dong, Q. (2016). The role of orthography in oral vocabulary learning in Chinese children. Reading and Writing, 29(7), 1363-1381.

35.    Zhang, J., Li, H.*, Dong, Q., Xu, J. & Sholar, E. (2016). Implicit use of radicals in learning characters for nonnative learners of Chinese. Applied Psycholinguistics. 37(3):507-527.

36.    Pan, J., Song, S., Su, M., McBride, C., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., Li, H., & Shu, H. (2015). On the relationship between phonological awareness, morphological awareness and Chinese literacy skills: evidence from an 8-Year longitudinal study. Developmental Science, 19(6), 982-991.

37.    Cheng Y., Zhang J., Li H.*, Ding, F., Nguyen-Jahiel K., Anderson R., Shu H., Wu X. (2015). Moving from recitation to open-format literature discussion in Chinese classrooms. Instructional Science, 42(6):643-664.

38.    Song, S., Su M., Kang, C., Liu H., Zhang, Y., McBride-Chang, C., Tardif, W., Li, H., Liang, W., Zhang, Z., & Shu, H. (2015) Tracing children’s vocabulary development from preschool through the school-age years: an 8-year longitudinal study, Developmental Science, 18(1): 119-131.

39.    Xue, J., Shu, H., Li, H., Li, W., Tian, X. (2013). The stability of literacy- related cognitive contributions to Chinese character naming and reading fluency, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 42, 433-450.

40.    Zhang, Y., Tardif, T., Shu, H., Li, H., Liu, H., McBride-Chang, C., Liang, W., & Zhang, Z. (2013). Phonological skill and vocabulary knowledge mediate socioeconomic status effects in predicting reading outcomes for Chinese children. Developmental Psychology. 49(4), 665-671.

41.    Li, H., Shu, H., McBride-Chang, C., Liu, H., & Peng, H. (2012). Chinese Children’s character recognition: Visual-orthographic, phonological processing, and morphological skills. Journal of Research in Reading. 35(3): 287-307. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2010.01460.x

42.    Zhang, Y., Li, J., Tardif T., Burmeister, M.,Villafuerte, S. M., McBride-Chang, C., Li, H., Shi, B., Liang, W., Zhang, Z. Shu. H. (2012) Association of the DYX1C1 dyslexia susceptibility gene with orthography in the Chinese population. PLoS ONE 7(9): e42969. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0042969

43.    Cong, F., Huang, Y., Kalyakin, I., Li, H., Huttunen-Scott, T., Lyytinen, H., Ristaniemi, T. (2012). Frequency-response-based wavelet decomposition for extract children's mismatch negativity elicited by uninterrupted sound. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 32(3), 205-213.

44.    Lam, K., Chen, X., Geva, E., Luo, Y. & Li, H. (2012). The role of morphological awareness in reading achievement among young Chinese-speaking English language learners: a longitudinal study. Reading and Writing. 25(8): 1847-1872.

45.    Cong, F., Kalyakin, I., Li, H., Huttunen-Scott, T., Huang, Y., Lyytinen, H., & Ristaniemi, T. (2011). Answering six questions in extracting children’s mismatch negativity through combining wavelet decomposition and independent component analysis. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 5(4): 343-359.

46.    Pan, J., McBride-Chang, C., Shu, H., Liu, H., Zhang, & Li, H. (2011). What's in the naming? A 5-year longitudinal study of early rapid naming and phonological sensitivity in relation to subsequent reading skills in both native Chinese and English as a second language. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(4): 897-908.

47.    Luo, Y., Chen, X., Deacon, S. H., Li, H. (2011). Development of Chinese orthographic processing: a cross-cultural perspective. Wring System Research, 3(1), 69-86.

48.    Lei, L., Pan, J., Liu, H., McBride-Chang, C., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Chen L., Tardif, T., Liang, W. Zhang, Z., & Shu, H. (2011). Developmental trajectories of reading development and impairment from ages 3 to 8 years in Chinese children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 52(2), 212-220. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7610. 2010.02311.x

49.    Lin, D., McBride-Chang, C., Shu, H., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Zhang, J., Aram, D., & Levin, I. (2010). Small wins big: Analytic Pinyin skills promote Chinese word reading. Psychological Science. 21(8), 1117-1122.

50.    Cong, F., Kalyakin, I., Huttunen-Scott, T., Li, H., Lyytinen, H., & Ristaniemi, T. (2010). Single-trial based independent component analysis on mismatch negativity in children. International Journal of Neural Systems. 20(4), 279-292.

51.    Zhang, J., Anderson, R. C., Li, H., Dong, Q., Wu, X., & Zhang, Y. (2010). Cross- language transfer of insight into the structure of compound words. Reading and Writing, 23(3-4), 311-336.

52.    Li, H., Shu, H., McBride-Chang, C., Liu, H. & Xue, J. (2009). Paired associate learning in Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 103(2), 135-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2009.02.001

53.    Wu, X. , Anderson, R. C. , Li, W., Wu, X., Li, H., Zhang, J. Zheng, Q., Zhu, J., Shu, H., Jiang, W., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Yin, L., He, Y., Packard, L., & Geffney, J. S. (2009). Morphological Awareness and Chinese Children’s Literacy Development: An Intervention Study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 13(1), 26-52.

54.    Packard, J. L. , Chen, X., Li, W., Wu, X., Gaffney, J. S., Li, H., & Anderson, R. C. (2006). Explicit Instruction in Orthographic Structure and Word Morphology Helps Chinese Children Learn to Write Characters. Reading and Writing, 19(5), 457-487.


1.       王久菊、孟祥芝、李虹、崔新、洪恬、杨斌让、静进、王玉玲、王如蜜、王春雪、卢建平、孙黎、毕鸿燕、刘丽、刘靖、刘翔平、李秀红、买合甫来提·坎吉、任园春、邢爱玲、陈立、宋然然、吴汉荣、杨志伟、张宁、张玉平、赵静、贾飞勇、翁旭初、章依文、董选、程嘉、舒华、王玉风(2023) 汉语发展性阅读障碍诊断与干预的专家意见 中国心理卫生杂志. 37(3),185-191.

2.       李虹、王欣萌、刘苗苗、范奕敏、伍新春(2022)小学语文教科书生字表选字分析与比较. 课程 教材 教法. 42(6), 104-109.

3.       范奕敏、张湘琳、曹玉卿、李虹*. (2021)小学生阅读障碍行为筛查家长问卷的编制与信效度检验. 心理与行为研究,19(4),521-527.

4.      周婷娜李宜逊李虹徐钟庚张锋程亚华*. (2021) 汉语儿童口语流畅性与阅读理解的关系:一项三年追踪研究. 心理发展与教育,37(5), 691-700.

5.       刘苗苗、李燕、王欣萌、甘琳琳、李虹*. (2021)分级阅读初探:基于小学教材的汉语可读性公式研究. 语言文字运用. (5), 116-126.

6.       李虹、刘苗苗、王欣萌、范奕敏、李燕、伍新春(2021)统编小学语文教科书识字表效用分析. 课程 教材 教法. 41(5) ), 61-66. (被中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《小学语文教与学》2021年第10期收录)

7.       闫梦格、李虹*、李宜逊、周雪莲、回懿、程亚华、伍新春. (2020).识字量和词汇知识在儿童阅读发展中的相对重要性.心理发展与教育,36(3),311-317. (CSSCI)

8.       程亚华、周婷娜、赵英、李虹、伍新春(2019)小学低年级儿童阅读流畅性的发展轨迹及其对阅读理解的预测作用,心理发展与教育,35(6),686-696. (CSSCI)

9.       岳鑫鑫、韩冬影、李虹、于玲、王久菊、王玉凤、姚贵忠、程嘉、李宜逊(2019) 程序化拼音游戏训练对注意缺陷多动障碍共患阅读障碍患儿干预效果的研究.中华精神科杂志,52(2),117-122.

10.    回懿、周雪莲、李宜逊、德秀齐、李虹*、刘翔平(2018)小学低年级汉语儿童语言能力的发展轨迹:认知能力的预测作用,心理发展与教育,34(1),73-79. (CSSCI)

11.    程亚华、伍新春、刘红云、李虹(2018)小学低年级儿童口语词汇知识的发展轨迹及其影响因素,心理学报,50(2):206-215. (CSSCI)

12.    程亚华、李虹、伍新春、董琼(2017) 一年级汉语儿童语素意识与口语词汇的双向关系:追踪研究的证据,心理科学,40(1):103-109. (CSSCI)

13.    李宜逊,李虹*,德秀齐,盛小添,乌拉·理查德森,海琦·莱汀恩(2017) 游戏化学习促进学生个性化发展的实证研究——以GraphoGame拼音游戏为例,中国电化教育,364, 95-101. (CSSCI)

14.    李宜逊,肖林清,张洁,李虹*,刘翔平(2016) 汉字结构特点和出现次数在儿童字形学习中的作用,心理科学,39(5), 1105-1109. (CSSCI)

15.    周雪莲,程亚华,李宜逊,韩春翔,李虹*(2016) 朗读流畅性在儿童阅读发展中的预测作用,心理发展与教育,32(4), 471-477. (CSSCI)

16.    丁凤姣,程亚华,张洁,李宜逊,李虹* (2016) 协作推理讨论对小学生论证技能的促进, 课程 教材 教法, (3), 108-113. (CSSCI)

17.    阮氏芳,李虹,伍新春,孙鹏. (2016) 汉语作为第二语言的越南大学生汉字部件意识的发展,心理与行为研究,14(1), 20-26. (CSSCI)

18.    高欣羽,程亚华,李虹*张洁,丁凤姣,Kim Nguyen-Jahiel,Richard C. Anderson,舒华,伍新春,郑明璐,崔彦梅. (2015) 小学生领导力萌芽与发展的实证研究. 心理科学,38(3), 612-617. (CSSCI)

19.    陈钰,李虹*,张洁,阮晓彤,饶夏溦,伍新春. (2014) 书面字形在汉语低年级儿童口语词汇学习中的作用. 心理发展与教育, 30(6), 616-623. (CSSCI)

20.    郑明璐,伍新春,李虹,程亚华. (2014) 协作推理讨论——培养“集体智慧”的课堂教学模式. 教育学报 (2), 58-64. (CSSCI)

21.    董琼,李虹*,伍新春,饶夏溦,朱瑾. (2014) 语素意识、语音意识和快速命名在学前儿童言语能力发展中的预测作用:来自追踪研究的证据. 心理与行为研究, 12(2), 207-211. (CSSCI)

22.    董琼,李虹*,伍新春,饶夏溦, 朱瑾. (2013) 语素意识对学前儿童言语技能发展的预测作用:追踪研究的证据. 心理发展与教育, 29(2), 147-151. (CSSCI)

23.    董琼,李虹,伍新春,潘敬儿,张玉平,阮氏芳. (2012) 汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的阅读相关认知技能缺陷. 中国临床心理学杂志,20(6), 798-801, 764. (CSSCI)

24.    史冰洁, 李虹*,张玉平, 舒华. (2011) 部件特征和正字法意识在儿童汉字书写发展中的作用. 心理发展与教育, 27(3), 297-303.  (CSSCI)

25.    李虹,伍新春,张洁,郑秋,朱瑾. (2011) 不同阅读形式下拼音对儿童汉字学习和阅读动机的长期影响. 心理科学, 34(2), 367-370. (CSSCI)

26.    李虹, 饶夏溦, 董琼, 朱瑾, 伍新春. (2011) 语音意识、语素意识和快速命名在儿童言语发展中的作用. 心理发展与教育,27(2), 158-163. (CSSCI)

27.    李虹,伍新春,张洁,郑秋,朱瑾. (2010) 不同形式的阅读干预在儿童读写能力发展中的作用. 心理与行为研究,8(4),263-267. (CSSCI)

28.    李虹,伍新春,张洁,郑秋,朱瑾. (2010) 不同形式分享阅读对儿童字词学习和阅读动机的长期影响. 教育学报 (5),89-95. (CSSCI) (被中国人民大学书报资料中心《复印报刊资料》收录,2011年第1期,12-18)

29.    李虹,舒华. (2009). 学前和小学低段不同识字量儿童的认知能力比较. 心理发展与教育, 25(3), 1-8. (CSSCI) (被中国人民大学书报资料中心《复印报刊资料》收录,2009年第12期,57-65)

30.    李虹,舒华. (2009). 阅读障碍儿童的语言特异性认知缺陷. 心理科学, 32(2), 301-303. (CSSCI)

31.    李虹,舒华. (2009). 配对联想学习缺陷——探索阅读障碍的新视角. 中国特殊教育, (9), 54-58. (CSSCI)

32.    李虹,董琼,朱瑾,刘俊娉,伍新春. (2009). 语素意识在学前儿童言语技能发展中的作用. 心理科学, 32(6), 1291-1294. (CSSCI)

33.    伍新春,李虹,刘振宏. (2009). 注音方式与教学形式在儿童课堂汉字学习中的作用. 心理与行为研究, (3), 166-170. (CSSCI)

34.    李虹. (2008). 整合分享阅读与词素意识教学加速培养幼儿自主阅读能力. 幼儿教育, 17, 32-33.

35.    李虹, 舒华, 薛锦, 杨剑峰. (2008). 阅读障碍儿童的技能自动化能力. 心理发展与教育, 24(1), 101-105. (CSSCI) (被中国人民大学书报资料中心《复印报刊资料》收录,2008年第5期,63-67)

36.    彭虹, 梁卫兰, 张致祥, 李虹, 舒华, Tardif T., Fletcher P. (2007). 汉语阅读障碍高危儿童的早期筛选. 心理发展与教育, 23(3), 89-92. (CSSCI)

37.    李虹, 彭虹, 舒华. (2006). 汉语儿童正字法意识的萌芽与发展. 心理发展与教育, 22(1), 35-39. (CSSCI) (被中国人民大学书报资料中心《复印报刊资料》收录,2006年第5期,58-61)

38.    李虹, 舒华, 彭虹, 雷霖, 刑爱玲. (2006). 配对联想学习能力和语音意识在汉语儿童早期阅读中的作用. 心理科学, 29(3), 546-549. (CSSCI)

39.    伍新春, 李虹. (2004). 分享阅读——分享孩子成长的快乐. 上海托幼, (2), 14-17.

40.    伍新春, 李虹, 舒华, Anderson, R. C., 李文玲. (2002). 拼音在儿童分享阅读中的作用. 心理科学, (5), 548-552. (CSSCI)

41.    伍新春, 张洁, 舒华, 李虹, Anderson, R. C., 李文玲. (2002). 拼音在儿童课外阅读中的作用, 心理发展与教育, (3), 49-54. (CSSCI)


1.       海基·萊汀恩、简·恩斯金、李宜逊、苏萌萌、李虹(2016).阅读障碍儿童的阅读发展——来自芬兰语和汉语追踪研究的启示. 李文玲、舒华主编. 儿童阅读的世界I:早期阅读的心理机制研究,北京师范大学出版社

2.       周雪莲、李虹、德秀齐(2016).阅读发展的轨迹——汉语儿童汉字识别和口语词汇发展研究. 李文玲、舒华主编. 儿童阅读的世界III:让孩子学会阅读的教育理论研究. 北京师范大学出版社

3.       李虹、李宜逊、德秀齐、海奇·萊汀恩(2016).拼音游戏课——拼音游戏与汉语儿童拼音技能发展. 李文玲、舒华主编. 儿童阅读的世界IV:学校、家庭和社区的实践研究. 北京师范大学出版社

4.       Lyytinen, H., Aro, M., Erskine, J., Li, H., Richardson, U., & Shu, H. (in press). Acquisition of reading in different writing environments and the developmental factors and courses that increase risk of compromised learning. In James D. Wright (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavior Sciences, Second edition. Elsevier Ltd.

5.       Chen, X., Anderson, R. C., Li, H., & Shu, H. (2014) Development of strategies in learning to read Chinese. In X. Chen, L. Wang, and Y. Luo (Eds.). ISBN 978-94-007-7380-6, Reading development and difficulties in monolingual and bilingual Chinese children. Springer Literacy Studies Series.

6.       Shu, H. & Li, H. (2012). Typical and dyslexic development in learning to read Chinese. In Taeko N. Wydell (Ed.). Dyslexia- A Comprehensive and International Approach, ISBN: 978-953-51-0517-6, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/dyslexia-a-comprehensive-and-internationalapproach/typical-and-dyslexic-development-in-learning-to-read-chinese

7.       Yan, M., Miller, K. F., Li, H., Shu, H. (2008). What is the place for Pinyin in beginning Chinese reading? Evidence from eye movements. In Bayner, K. Shen, D., Bai, X., Yan, G. (Eds). Cognitive and cultural influences on eye movements. Tianjin: Tianjin People’s Publishing House.

8.       M. V. Covington & K. M. Teel 著,伍新春、郑秋、李虹、朱瑾 译(2002):《学习障碍的消除策略》(Overcoming student failure: Changing motives and incentives for learning),北京:中国轻工业出版社。



2023.03 ~ 2023.07 多因素实验设计(2020级本科,3学时/周,两个班)

2022.09 ~ 2022.12 阅读障碍——从诊断到干预(短期英文课程,与芬兰Heikki Lyytinen教授共同授课,2学分)

2022.03 ~ 2022.07 多因素实验设计(2019级本科,3学时/周,两个班)

2021.03 ~ 2021.07 多因素实验设计(2018级本科,3学时/周,两个班)

2020.09 ~ 2021.01 认知心理学(辅修,2学时/周)

2020.03 ~ 2020.07 多因素实验设计(2017级本科,3学时/周,两个班)

2019.09 ~ 2020.01 认知心理学(辅修,2学时/周)

2019.09 ~ 2020.01 阅读发展的理论与研究(研究生组会课,2学分)

2019.09 ~ 2019.12 阅读障碍——从诊断到干预(短期英文课程,与芬兰Heikki Lyytinen教授共同授课,2学分)

2019.03 ~ 2019.07 多因素实验设计(2016级本科,3学时/周,两个班)

2018.09 ~ 2019.01 认知心理学(2学时/周)

2018.09 ~ 2019.01 阅读发展的理论与研究(研究生组会课,2学分)

2018.09 ~ 2018.12 阅读障碍——从诊断到干预(短期英文课程,与芬兰Heikki Lyytinen教授共同授课,2学分)

2018.03 ~ 2018.07 多因素实验设计(2015级本科,3学时/周,两个班)

2017.09 ~ 2018.01 认知心理学(辅修,2学时/周)

2017.09 ~ 2018.01 阅读发展的理论与研究(研究生组会课,2学分)

2017.11 ~ 2018.12 阅读障碍——从诊断到干预(短期英文课程,与芬兰Heikki Lyytinen教授共同授课,2学分)

2017.08 ~ 2017.10 阅读障碍——从诊断到干预(MAP课程,2学分)

2017.03 ~ 2017.07 多因素实验设计(2014级本科,3学时/周)

2016.10 ~ 2016.11 阅读障碍——从诊断到干预(短期英文课程,与芬兰Heikki Lyytinen教授共同授课,2学分)

2016.03 ~ 2016.07 认知心理学(2014 级辅修,3学时/周)

2016.03 ~ 2016.07 多因素实验设计(2013级本科,3学时/周)

2015.09 ~ 2016.01 认知心理学(2013级辅修,3学时/周)

2013.03 ~ 2013.07 多因素实验设计(2010级本,3学时/周)

2013.03 ~ 2013.07 认知心理学(2011级辅修,3学时/周)

2012.03 ~ 2012.07 多因素实验设计(2009级本,3学时/周)

2012.03 ~ 2012.07 认知心理学(2010级本,2学时/周)

2011.09 ~ 2012.01 认知心理学(2010级专升本,4学时/周)

2011.03 ~ 2011.07 心理学研究方法(2008级本,3学时/周)

2011.03 ~ 2011.07 认知心理学(2009级辅修,3学时/周)

2010.09 ~ 2011.01 认知心理学(2008级本,3学时/周)

2010.03 ~ 2010.07 认知心理学(2009级专升本,4.5学时/周)

2009.03 ~ 2009.07 教育心理学(公共课,2学时/周)

2008.09 ~ 2009.01 认知心理学(2006级本,3学时/周)

2008.03 ~ 2008.07 认知心理学(2006级夜大,4.5学时/周)

2007.03 ~ 2007.07 大学心理学(公共课,3学时/周)

2006.09 ~ 2007.01 认知心理学(2005级夜大,4.5学时/周)

































闫梦格《The extended examination of the Simple View of Reading in Chinese across second and fourth grades》














江月瑶《Dynamic Assessment of Phonological Awareness for First Grade Chinese Children》




李宜逊《The mechanism of orthographic learning in Chinese: evidence from a test for the Self-Teaching Hypothesis》














王禹《A Comparison of Two Methods of Studying Chinese Characters: Paired Associate Learning and Incidental learning》











陈柳《GraphoGame 拼音游戏在汉语阅读困难高危儿童阅读发展中的作用》
























Annals of Dyslexia

Behavior Research Methods

Educational Psychology Review

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Journal of Learning Disabilities

Journal of Research in Reading

Language Learning

Learning and Individual

Reading Research Quarterly

Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Scientific Studies of Reading

Writing System Research








2021.11 北京师范大学高等教育教学成果奖 二等奖 (本人排序第四)

2021.09 北京师范大学2021年学生暑期社会实践优秀指导教师

2019.11 北京师范大学2019年学生暑期社会实践优秀指导教师

2016.01 北京师范大学2015年本科生优秀实习工作者

2014.05北京师范大学京师英才奖励项目  一等奖

2013.09北京师范大学京师英才奖励项目  一等奖

2012.09北京师范大学教学成果奖:心理学研究方法课程建设与改革 一等奖(本人排序第二)

2012.12北京师范大学第十一届励耘奖学基金优秀青年教师奖  二等奖

2012.04北京师范大学京师英才奖励项目  一等奖


2008.01北京师范大学首届多媒体教学软件比赛  二等奖


