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【活动】中英“心”青年沙龙顺利揭幕 第一讲聚焦儿童精神病理
发布时间:2021-05-11      作者:       浏览量:       【关闭

2021510日下午,由北师大心理学部和伦敦国王学院精神病学、心理学和神经科学研究院(IoPPN)共同举办的中英“心”青年沙龙第一讲在线上顺利召开。第一讲主题围绕儿童青少年心理健康展开,由北师大心理学部王君副部长主持,由伦敦国王学院Tony Charman教授带来题为《Psychiatric disorders in youth with autism》的主题报告,北师大心理学部青年长江学者韩卓副教授作题为《Chinese emotional parenting and child psychopathology symptoms》的主题报告。报告共吸引了中英80余名师生。与会学者、师生认真聆听,积极互动,围绕家庭教养与儿童精神病理之间的关系,以及自闭症儿童发展中的精神障碍问题进行了深入的讨论和互动。中英“心”青年沙龙第一讲圆满落幕。

The first session of Sino-UK “Mind” Salon between the Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University (BNU) and Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King's College London was successfully held online on 10th May, 2021. The first session titled “Children and Adolescent Mental Health” was hosted by Professor WANG Jun, Vice Dean of Faculty of Psychology, BNU. And it has invited two inspiring talks from the two institutions, they are respectively “Psychiatric disorders in youth with autism” by Professor Tony Charman from IoPPN, “Chinese emotional parenting and child psychopathology symptoms” by Associate Professor HAN Rachel Zhuo from the Faculty of Psychology, BNU. The first salon has attracted more than 80 audiences including students and faculty members from both sides. More exciting sessions of the Sino-UK “Mind” Salon could be anticipated in the coming weeks.


