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发布时间:2021-06-10      作者:       浏览量:       【关闭

中英“心”青年沙龙(Sino-UK “Mind” Salon)第二讲和第三讲分别于62日、67日在线上举办。这两期的主题为“用户体验与人为因素”以及“认知神经科学与精神病学”。

在“用户体验与人为因素”专场中,卡迪夫大学心理学院Phil Morgan教授作了题为“自动化系统中的人为因素”的报告,北师大心理学部刘伟副教授的报告题目则为“非自动化系统中的人为因素”。双方就人为因素对于自动化系统的重要性展开热烈讨论。刘伟副教授代表北师大用户体验方向期待向向卡迪夫人为因素方向提出了合作邀请,具体内容包括实习项目和双学位项目等。

在“认知神经科学与精神病学”专场中,伦敦国王学院精神病学、心理学和神经科学研究院Andrea Danese教授作了题为“客观与主观儿童虐待经历及其与心理病理障碍的关系”的报告,北师大认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室秦绍正教授作了题为“压力下情感认知与心理问题易感性”的报告。双方围绕情感和心理问题、心理病理障碍等展开讨论。沙龙不仅为双方研究者提供分享的平台、增加科研合作的机会, 也有效提升了学生的国际化眼光。

Sino-UK “Mind” Salon Launched two sessions in June

On 02 June the second session on “User Experience & Human Factor” was co-convented by the Department of Human Factors and Cognitive Science, School of Psychology, Cardiff University and User Experience Masters Programme, Faculty of Psychology, BNU. The session invited two inspiring talks “Human Factors in Autonomous Systems” by Professor Phil Morgan (Cardiff), “Human Factors in Non-Autonomous Systems”by Dr. Wei LIU (BNU) both parties are pioneers in the field with the salon has enhanced the confidence of cooperation on placement and degree programme.

On 07 June the third session on “Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychiatry” was co-convented by Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London and State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, BNU. Professor Andrea Danese (KCL) shared his research on “Objective and Subjective Experiences of Child Maltreatment and their relationships with psychopathology”. Professor Shaozheng QIN (BNU) reported his research findings on “Stress-related neurocognitive reorganization linking to vulnerability”. The Salon has provided a platform for researchers to deeper collaboration in the same field and for students to better cultivate international vision, pursue future study in the overseas university.

